Microdermabrasion facials or as it’s sometimes known mechanical exfoliation helps lots of different skin problems. From dry skin to lifeless and dull skin tones as well as helping acne and acne scarring. It also contributes to reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as evening out skin texture. With a course of microdermabrasion usually, we suggest six facials one every three weeks to see the best results. This will depend on what outcome you wanted to see with your skin and any problems that you had with your skin if any.


Book Your Microdermabrasion Treatment Today


Everyone starts their course of treatments on level 1. This is so that we can see how your skin reacts to slightly abrasive treatment to your skin. So we can see if it’s sensitive. Using the handheld piece on the machine, we glide it over your skin. While using our hands to stretch the skin so that we can get every inch of skin. Each movement follows the lymphatic system drainage routine of the body. We can work slightly more over areas of concern if wanted or needed. If level 1 suits you and your skin we can turn up the machine over the course of treatments so that we eventually have every treatment on level 3.

With this treatment, you can have it as a 30-minute express treatment which focuses mainly on the microdermabrasion. It does also include cleansing toning and a Vitamin A rich moisturiser. Or you can have a full facial which takes 60 minutes, and this facial includes cleanse tone microdermabrasion facial massage. This will help relieve any tension you’ve felt before applying a vitamin A rich mask to your skin to help soothe any redness. This skin treatment contributes to regenerate and give you a glow, and we again finish with a vitamin A rich moisturiser. You can decide which facial you would rather before starting your course of treatments, or you can have a one of facial of either of them.